Saturday, February 21, 2009

Moral class with Mr Jimali Sunang-Kuliah 1

Today is our 1st class with Mr Jimali Sunang. This is supposed to be our 3rd class, but because of a few, errr, 'technical' problems, we have to start all over again. This is the story:

We had our 1st Moral class with a guy by the name of A**** Y** 2 weeks ago. Somehow most of the class didn't like him, so we signed some sort of a petition to have him removed, in other words, SACKED!!! To my surprise, Sunway actually listened to us. This is a democratic world after all, eh?

So now we end up with a guy named Jimali Sunang to teach us Moral Studies. At first I wondered if he'll suffer the same fate as A****, but after learning that we'll have to start from scratch and have replacement classes, I thought it would be wiser to be patient with him.

After talking for an hour or more(mostly rubbish), he finally gave us the assignment that we're supposed to do in groups. This is my group: Me, Pius, Gabriel, Adeline and Martina. Looking forward to working on the assignment. I hope it won't end up like David's(T5 lecturer) 80/20 theory. (80/20 theory is the theory which states that 80% of a work will be done by 20% of the group working on it.)

Above are some photos taken during class. The real scenario in the class is a lot more chaotic than shown above, but I missed the opportunity to take a few shots. Until next time...

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