Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 26th

There's nothing much to talk about for T2 class in the morning, so I'll just talk about CSB class in the afternoon. After our first CSB progress test, David let us listen to a song titled 'Waking Up Tired' by Hoodoo Gurus, an Australian band. (Picture below)

Then he asked us to write down the lyrics of the song. The song is sung so quickly that we had to listen to many times before completing the lyrics. (Picture below)

Next he let us listen to rock song by Autralian artist Jimmy Barnes. However, it was a total failure because of his deep Australian accent that we can't make out a word he's singing! That's about all for today's entry folks!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I started my day by having a short test for T2. Then we start our lesson on computer systems(BORING!!!). I yawned my way to the end of the class...

At noon I went to a cafe called 'Wonderful Place' at Hui Sing with a few mates for lunch. Me and a friend of mine ordered salad chicken rice from this stall(picture below).
A few minutes later, I was served with this...(picture below)

The picture doesn't look right, does it? Something's missing right? Yes!!! It's the salad! Salad chicken rice without salad! And when we ask the stall owner where's the salad, she said she ran out of it. What the ****?!! How can you let people order what you don't have? One more thing, try counting the number of fries on the plate. You got it right mate. There are only TWO! What's worse, the fries are hard as rock! This is perhaps the worst salad chicken rice I've ever tried. My friend also claimed that the chicken wasn't cooked well, so she left with almost the whole plate behind(picture below). So much for a 'wonderful' place. Sigh...
After lunch I had CSB(Communication Skills in Business) class with David(picture below). As the class is small(only 10 students), we can normally spend some time playing games. Today we spend the last hour of the class playing a game which I forgotten the name(it starts with an S). We're divided into two groups of 5. One member of a group will take turns to draw a slot. Each slot will contain something which the drawer must act out for the other members of the group to guess. If the drawer's group members guess it correctly, the group gets a point. This is basically how the game works.

When David ran out of slots, we're asked to make slots for the opponent group. On one occasion, I got a slot which says......CONDOM! Oh am I gonna act this out? You don't wanna know(The opponent group is an all-girl group while I'm the only guy in my group). Fortunately, one of my groupmates knew what I meant and got us a point. In the end, it was a tie. What a day...

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, 23 February 2009

It's Monday again. My long week starts today. In the morning we have T1 class with Miss Hii. She surprised us with a new hairstyle. The picture above shows the scenario at the beginning of the class. As usual, the class will get noisier and more chaotic as it progresses. The picture below is an example of what normally happens during T1 class.
The strange thing is, we are only chaotic during T1 class. We tend to behave slightly better during the other classes. Even I can't get why. That's about all for the morning.
In the afternoon we have T5 class with David. This is the first time we see David wearing the Sunway T-shirt. The class is abnormally noisy today. Usually we'll be very attentive and quiet during T5. But today is just different. Almost everyone(I'm one of the exceptions) is talking and chatting as if David wasn't there. Fortunately David didn't blow his head or we'll be in trouble, although he did give us an indication that he wasn't happy. End.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Slow Streamyx

My Streamyx has been really slow lately. Since Wednesday I had been getting an IP which starts with 115.132.x.x. This IP is a lot slower than the IPs 118 and 60 which I can normally get. Now even if I try connecting a million times I'll still get the same IP. I thought Streamyx uses dynamic IPs. It's been 5 days already! I tried downloading a file with Rapidshare and the maximum download speed was 6kbps! Worse still, the download stops halfway for no reason. What the heck! I'm really getting frustrated with Streamyx, who is supposed to be the 'premium' broadband services provider in Malaysia. So, in protest, I'll put up a few of these banners here until my connection is restored to an acceptable level. (...Sigh...)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Moral class with Mr Jimali Sunang-Kuliah 1

Today is our 1st class with Mr Jimali Sunang. This is supposed to be our 3rd class, but because of a few, errr, 'technical' problems, we have to start all over again. This is the story:

We had our 1st Moral class with a guy by the name of A**** Y** 2 weeks ago. Somehow most of the class didn't like him, so we signed some sort of a petition to have him removed, in other words, SACKED!!! To my surprise, Sunway actually listened to us. This is a democratic world after all, eh?

So now we end up with a guy named Jimali Sunang to teach us Moral Studies. At first I wondered if he'll suffer the same fate as A****, but after learning that we'll have to start from scratch and have replacement classes, I thought it would be wiser to be patient with him.

After talking for an hour or more(mostly rubbish), he finally gave us the assignment that we're supposed to do in groups. This is my group: Me, Pius, Gabriel, Adeline and Martina. Looking forward to working on the assignment. I hope it won't end up like David's(T5 lecturer) 80/20 theory. (80/20 theory is the theory which states that 80% of a work will be done by 20% of the group working on it.)

Above are some photos taken during class. The real scenario in the class is a lot more chaotic than shown above, but I missed the opportunity to take a few shots. Until next time...

Official Launching

This post marks the official launching of this blog. I got a little bored of my college life recently, so I decided to make this blog to show the people outside the life of a student of Sunway College Kuching. The first warning I have for you guys out there considering to join us is that studying is the ONLY thing we get to do here. Except studying, we STUDY!!! Seriously. Now go to the next post.