Friday, July 10, 2009

Review of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

With so much hype surrounding this movie, I've decided to write my own review of it! I watched the movie at Kuching's Star Cineplex this Wednesday with a few course mates. After watching it, I can understand why this Michael Bay film is such a box office hit.
Unlike other action films, this one provides you with tonnes of action from the very beginning! The movie starts off with a narration by the great Optimus Prime himself about the history between Earth and the Transformers. Next we go to present day Shanghai and see Optimus and gang kick some Decepticon butt. The action goes on from here(I don't wanna spoil it).
The thing about this film is that it's not for those who want to catch an Oscar winning film(Oscar movies are boring anyway) but its for those who just wish to see lots of action, explosions, robots fighting each other and of course, Megan Fox! If that's what you want, you're in for a treat. For teenagers who're Transformers fans, this movie will definitely bring back those childhood memories of the cartoon series. The detailed transformation of every robot never failed to amaze me, especially when a few construction vehicles combine to form the giant Decepticon called the Devastator(with its huge testicles)!
Megan Fox aka Mikaela Banes is another big attraction of this film. She was truly amazing in the role! It didn't take long before she appeared and took my breath away. No wonder she's been voted as the hottest woman on Earth consecutively. Shia LaBeouf aka Sam Witwicky is one lucky man.
This movie is also a comedy of sorts. There are so many funny scenes in the movie. I loved the way Bumblebee express his feelings by using radio bits, especially the part when Sam told him not to follow him to college. And there was laughter throughout the hall when Bumblebee tortured Alice in the car. There are also hilarious moments from Agent Simmons, Leo, Major William Lennox, Robert Epps and Sam's mum! I'll never forget the conversation between the Major and William on the orange smoke(watch it and you'll know how funny it is). What's more, the Autobot twins-Skids and Mudflap will always be there to entertain you. I simply love 'em!
In every action scene, there'll always be lots of explosions. I really mean LOTS of it. Almost everything explodes in the movie, from buildings to fighter jets to aircraft carriers! The inventor of CGI should be credited for the wonderful scenes created in the film.
Now we go to the negatives of the movie. There aren't many actually. I find characters such as Leo and Sam's mum really annoying. Why in the world did they let Leo get more screentime than Ironhide? I would rather spend time watching robots fight than watching Sam's mum running like a mad woman at his college. Another thing is that I find the scene where Alice has a metal tail and tongue coming out from her body a little disturbing(well, maybe it's just me).
So, forget what the critics say about this movie. I'm giving it a 4.5 out of 5 because it really deserves it. Below are some pictures from the movie:

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