Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour!

In December 2009 world leaders meet in Copenhagen to agree on a post-Kyoto policy for tackling climate change. One billion people voting with their light switch during Earth Hour will create a powerful mandate for our leaders to take strong and decisive action on climate change in Copenhagen.

So, for those who never turn on their television and have no idea what Earth Hour is, please switch off your lights on Saturday, March 28 from 8.30-9.30pm. VOTE Earth!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

25 March-Group behaviour

Ah......finally found some time to update this blog. Had been very busy since the SPM results came out. Immediately after getting my results, I had to fill out all sorts of forms and get all sorts of documents ready to apply for a number of scholarships. Today I found out that I got selected for interview with JPA (Public Services Dept.) on 2/4 at Pustaka Negeri Sarawak at 2pm. Hope I'll get through.

So, today David teached us about group behaviour during T5 class. He talked about things like personality, perception etc. He told us how having the wrong perception can get us into trouble by telling us a story during his teenage years. Maybe I'll tell this sometime in the future.

We also learned about norms. One important thing we learnt today are the 3 norms of the class:

1. It is ok to talk in class while the lecturer is talking.
2. It is ok to eat during class.
3. It is ok to listen to music during class.

Cool eh? I bet you won't find this in any other college!

Friday, March 6, 2009

T1 he-he-ha-ha class!!!

Tonight we have a special consultation class for T1 from 6.30 till 8.30pm. Before the class started, look at what some of the guys did-three guys raping another guy!!!(Pictures below)

Class started a few minutes pass 6.30pm(as usual). This is supposed to be a consultation class for us to ask the lecturer questions.(This class exists because we keep breaking the record for lowest passing rate) But instead of doing that, we spend time joking and laughing. When the clock struck 8pm, the lecturer released us early because nobody have any more questions.
We have 2 progress tests tomorrow(T1 and T2). I have a bad feeling about this...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3/3-Movie day!!!

This afternoon all the three CSB classes have been combined to watch a movie titled 'Enron-The Smartest Guys in the Room'. Actually it is a documentary on the Enron scandal.
The Enron scandal was a financial scandal involving Enron Corporation and its accounting firm Arthur Andersen, that was revealed in late 2001. After a series of revelations involving irregular accounting procedures conducted throughout the 1990s, Enron was on the verge of bankruptcy by November 2001. A white knight rescue attempt by a similar, smaller energy company, Dynergy, was not viable. Enron filed for bankruptcy on December 2, 2001.
As the scandal was revealed, Enron shares dropped from over US$90 to less than 50c. Enron's plunge occurred after revelations that much of its profits and revenues were the results of deals with special purpose entities(limited partnerships which it controlled). The result was that many of Enron's debts and the losses that it suffered were not reported in its financial statements.
In addition, the scandal caused the dissolution of Arthur Andersen, which at the time was one of the five largest accounting firms in the world.(Source: Wiki) For more info on the Enron scandal, please visit or
Some of the main characters involved in the scandal include Ken Lay, Jeff Skilling and Andrew Fastow. This documentary showed interviews with formers Enron employees and other people connected to the scandal. The recordings are very real and detailed. As the documentary was an uncensored one, there was a scene showing nude strippers in a bar which caused quite a stir in the class. Some of the people interviewed used vulgar language and got the class laughing out loud. The funniest part was when Jeff Skilling, former CEO of Enron, verbally attacked Wall Street Analyst Richard Grubman with the term 'asshole'.